About Me

Suyog Ketkar

Titles restrict. Let’s restrict titles.

Like it is with most of us, I found my calling on the path I least expected. The craft of writing was only a source of earning for me. Although, in the longer run, I realized that making money was only one of the things that writing did for me.

I am a certified technical communicator. But, from the heart and soul, I have always been a writer. I consider writing as neither a job nor a task, but something I live for.

Back in my school days, when I wrote my first novel, I didn’t realize that I would be keen on learning about writing and later make a living out of it. Even when I stepped into the professional world, writing was only a part of my job – I did it because my clients thought I was good at it.

But, after I gave up sales and became a back-staged support professional by giving content services where my words spoke on behalf of my clients, I realized that there was more to the story than just communication. There was the calling – the calling to wear many hats as a writer. I am a detective. I am a storyteller. A speaker. A self-published author.

Today, I let my words usher people to solutions. I am a troubleshooter. I take pride in helping my readers locate the remedies for their pains. And, I am happy to torch their ways through their sometimes pitch-dark confusion. I help them find, unearth the truth.

Besides speaking at and participating in STC India annual conferences, I have bored people with my blogs, poems, and stories on a lot of social networking sites and in here. I created this website because I love writing about technical communication and sharing some writing techniques that I have designed.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope that you like what you read here. It is a collection of posts on technical communication and a lot of other topics that interest me.


The brand names, citation, hyperlinks, personal brands, quotes, or references provided ((credited/annotated sufficiently) in the blog are for only reference sake, and are copyrights, patents, or properties of their respective owners/affiliates

I also request you to provide me sufficient credit and space when you use any of my content (preferably, with my permission).

Views expressed on this website are of my own. You may feel free to disagree. Thank you for your cooperation

2 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Hi there!
    Thanks for following. I’m a happy camper now you are joining me as I trip around by RV, plane, car and time machine to the past.
    Comments, compliments, critiques and wisecracks are most welcome.
    I look forward to reading your blog.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Which Way Now 101 aka Carol


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